Driving Directions
From Highway 10, turn onto Benton Drive, go down about 1 mile then turn left onto 2nd Ave S.
From Highway 23, turn north onto Lincoln Ave, go down 8 blocks and take a left onto 4-½ Street, at the T take a right onto Raymond Ave NE and take immediate left onto 5th Street NE then take right onto Wilson Ave.
North entrance to the fairgrounds is on 12th Street.
Pit Entrance is on Searle Street
Main Gate is on 3rd Ave S
Driving Directions
If on Minnesota Highway 23, turn north onto Wilson Avenue. (Wilson Avenue is in eastern Saint Cloud, just east of the Mississippi River and west of U.S. Highway 10). Proceed north on Wilson Avenue. When Wilson Avenue curves slightly, the faigrounds will be one block to the east (right).
If on U.S. Highway 10, turn west onto Saint Germain Street. (Saint Germain Street is located just north of the Minnesota Highway 23 interchange and just south of the Benton Drive interchange.) Proceed west on Saint Germain Street until Wilson Avenue (do not cross the Mississippi River). Turn north (right) onto Wilson Avenue. When Wilson Avenue curves slightly, the fairgrounds will be one block to the east (right).
On-grounds parking is not free. Attendants will assist (and collect money) along the fairgrounds perimeter fence. Paid parking is also available by entering the fairgrounds via 12th Street (north edge of the fairgrounds).

Free Shuttle Bus
A daily shuttle bus is provided during the fair. The bus picks up and drops off at the main entrance to the fairgrounds from the Sauk Rapids VFW with free parking at the VFW.
Tuesday thru Friday – 2pm to Midnight
Saturday – 10am to Midnight
Sunday – 10am to 5pm
Try the bus…let someone else do the driving!
Metro Bus
The fairgrounds is accessible via Saint Cloud Metro Bus. The Sauk Rapids route stops just one block from the main gate, at the intersection of 14th Avenue South and 2nd Avenue (aka Wilson Avenue).